Newest Sponsored Team: BBK
BBK began in 2006 as a branch of the LCP Army to compete in the once popular SPPL. BBK has won both regional and national titles in the SPPL. BBK is made up of all ages from 16 to 65, (65 would be coach Rick Bond, the grumpy one). BBK is made up of both tournament players and seasoned scenario players. We just like to play paintball.
BBK is powered exclusively by Dye Precision and Valken Sports and proudly rocks the newest and greatest gear, apparel, and products by the two biggest and best names in our sport. At each event BBK attends, you can find them in the “compound” with their gear readily available to demonstrate for the public as well plenty of stock for purchase.
BBK brings to the field an “in your face” style of play but, don’t let that deter you. Whether on or off the field BBK embodies sportsmanship, honesty, integrity, hustle, loyalty, and respect. BBK brings the party with them wherever they go! Each current member of BBK went through rigorous trials to earn their place within the team and our core values must be met before acceptance.
For more information about BBK feel free to stop by at any event we attend and speak with one of us. You can also find all of us on Facebook!