Who’s gonna hit the long-range bombs and who will get crazy with between-the-legs and behind-the-back shots? Tune in every day next week (May 4-8) on DYE Facebook LIVE to watch each LA Ironmen/DYE head-to-head matchup. Winners move onto the next round and loser gets an undesirable haircut chosen by winner and you the viewers.
Each live stream will feature a charity handpicked by the players to bring awareness to causes that are important to each of the Ironmen. You will be able to donate to the cause directly from each live stream with all donations going to the player’s chosen charity.
Watch, see some wild west trick shots, have a laugh and donate to a good cause all at the same time. Be sure to tune in!
Facebook LIVE Matchup Schedule
QUALIFYING ROUND 1Charity: Navy Seal Foundation
Monday, May 4 at 3PM PST
LA Ironmen Coach Todd Martinez vs DYE Precision General Manager Chris Williamson
Charity: March of Dimes
Tuesday, May 5 at 6PM PST
LA Ironmen Dan Norcross vs LA Ironmen AL Fernandez
Charity: Humane Society of the US
Wednesday, May 6 at 4PM PST
LA Ironmen Pit Boss Fran Turrubiartes vs LA Ironmen Corey Hall
Charity: Mike Rowes Works
Thursday, May 7 at 5PM PST
LA Ironmen Dan Norcross vs LA Ironmen Coach Todd Martinez
Charity: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
Friday, May 8 at 5PM PST
LA Ironmen Corey Hall vs LA Ironmen Dan Norcross

DYE Paintball’s Game of "PAINT" follows the traditional format of the basketball game of "horse." A player must describe his shot attempt before taking the shot. (A coin toss at the beginning of the game will determine who shoots first.) For example, a player could call a non-dominant hand run-and-shoot target hit, or the classic “throw a paintball and shoot it out of the air”. Anything goes and we’re certain these guys are gonna come up with some long-range wild, wacky, fun and ridiculous hard-trick shots. If the shot is made, the other player must match it, or that player will receive a letter. If the shot is missed, the other player can proceed to describe and attempt his own shot. The first player in each matchup to spell out “PAINT” will be eliminated.